Monday, October 6, 2014

A Who's Who Responsible For The Narrowed, Standardization of K-12 Curricula In The U.S.

The Koch's, Bill Gates and Eli Broad are the most powerful funders of  education deform in the World. In the U.S. Arne Duncan is their tool.
There is a fourth wheel of government accountable to no one. It is the big, big monied elites. They control  significant numbers of politicians. They influence legislative initiatives. They control the mass media and public information. The Billionaires Club have succeeded in weaving their influence  (Duncan is a former Broad Foundation board member) into your children's public school experience. Corporate education deformers say they want your child to be college and career ready with a rigorous education loaded with grit. What they really intend to do is standardize children's curriculum and learning experience so countless numbers of lucrative high stakes standardized tests can be administered resulting in the successful preparation of the next generation of compliant worker bees. I have four of the top oligarchs in this image. If you judge teachers and schools based on children's high stakes standardized test scores, curriculum will be narrowed to what's covered on the test and teachers will teach to the test! More to come.

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